Early Treatment

Early orthodontic treatment, also known as interceptive orthodontics, involves addressing dental problems in children while their teeth and jaws are still developing. It is recommended that children have their first orthodontic evaluation by the age of 7, as this is when their adult teeth are starting to come in, and any problems can be detected early.

There are several benefits to early orthodontic treatment:

  • Correcting Problems Early: Early orthodontic treatment can correct problems such as crowding, spacing, and bite issues before they become more severe. By addressing these issues early, future orthodontic treatment can be minimized or even avoided entirely.
  • Easier and Faster Treatment: Early orthodontic treatment is often easier and faster than treatment in later years. This is because a child’s jaw and teeth are still growing and more responsive to treatment. Early treatment can also prevent the need for more invasive procedures later on, such as surgery or tooth extraction.
  • Improved Facial Development: Early orthodontic treatment can help guide the growth and development of a child’s jaw and face, leading to improved facial aesthetics and better oral function. By addressing issues such as overbites or underbites early, a child’s facial profile can be improved, resulting in a more balanced and attractive appearance.
  • Boosts Confidence: Children with dental problems may feel self-conscious about their smile, leading to low self-esteem and reduced confidence. Early orthodontic treatment can improve the appearance of their teeth, leading to a boost in their self-esteem and confidence.

In conclusion, early orthodontic treatment is a crucial step in ensuring the proper development of a child’s teeth, jaw, and facial structure. By addressing dental problems early, children can avoid more extensive and invasive treatments later on. If you have concerns about your child’s teeth, it is recommended that you schedule an orthodontic evaluation to determine if early orthodontic treatment is necessary.