Our Team


Practice Manager

Agnes has been in Orthodontics for over 12 years, she and her husband live in Leander with their 3 doggies. In Agnes’ spare time her passion is bodybuilding and keeping a healthy lifestyle with her husband. She also loves to travel, shoot guns, and visit wineries with family and friends. She is originally from the Midwest, but she has lived in Texas since 2012. She moved here for the warmer weather and outdoor activities year round. Her favorite aspect of orthodontics is getting to see the transforming smiles over the years.


Patient Coordinator

As a Patient Coordinator at SmileFit Orthodontics, I am excited to be immersed in the orthodontic field and contribute to our patients’ journeys. Although my background is in clinical psychology and not orthodontics, I’ve already begun learning about various aspects of orthodontic care, from treatment processes to patient communication. Gaining knowledge in this area enriches my understanding and enhances my ability to support our patients effectively.

Currently, I am pursuing a graduate degree in clinical psychology, where I focus on understanding human behavior and supporting personal development. Outside of work, I enjoy spending time with my Pug, Bubba, and staying active through playing in a women’s soccer league on Sundays. I also love being outdoors and balancing my academic and professional interests with my personal passions.


Lead Clinician

Bio coming soon


Treatment Coordinator & Clinical Assistant

Bio coming soon